
Kamis, 27 September 2012

About BLOG

Blog Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Artikel ini mengulas tentang sejenis aplikasi web. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang catatan dari aktivitas web server, lihat server log. Blog merupakan singkatan dari web log[1] adalah bentuk aplikasi web yang menyerupai tulisan-tulisan (yang dimuat sebagai posting) pada sebuah halaman web umum. Tulisan-tulisan ini seringkali dimuat dalam urut terbalik (isi terbaru dahulu baru kemudian diikuti isi yang lebih lama), meskipun tidak selamanya demikian. Situs web seperti ini biasanya dapat diakses oleh semua pengguna Internet sesuai dengan topik dan tujuan dari si pengguna blog tersebut. Daftar isi [sembunyikan] 1 Sejarah 2 Komunitas Blogger 3 Jenis-jenis blog 4 Budaya populer 5 Risiko kejahatan 6 Lihat pula 7 Referensi 8 Pranala luar [sunting]Sejarah Media blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Blogger.com, yang dimiliki oleh Pyra Labs sebelum akhirnya PyraLab diakusisi oleh Google.Com pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu. Semenjak itu, banyak terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat sumber terbuka yang diperuntukkan kepada perkembangan para penulis blog tersebut. Blog mempunyai fungsi yang sangat beragam,dari sebuah catatan harian, media publikasi dalam sebuah kampanye politik, sampai dengan program-program media dan perusahaan-perusahaan. Sebagian blog dipelihara oleh seorang penulis tunggal, sementara sebagian lainnya oleh beberapa penulis, . Banyak juga weblog yang memiliki fasilitas interaksi dengan para pengunjungnya, seperti menggunakan buku tamu dan kolom komentar yang dapat memperkenankan para pengunjungnya untuk meninggalkan komentar atas isi dari tulisan yang dipublikasikan, namun demikian ada juga yang yang sebaliknya atau yang bersifat non-interaktif. Situs-situs web yang saling berkaitan berkat weblog, atau secara total merupakan kumpulan weblog sering disebut sebagai blogosphere. Bilamana sebuah kumpulan gelombang aktivitas, informasi dan opini yang sangat besar berulang kali muncul untuk beberapa subyek atau sangat kontroversial terjadi dalam blogosphere, maka hal itu sering disebut sebagai blogstorm atau badai blog. [sunting]Komunitas Blogger Komunitas blogger adalah sebuah ikatan yang terbentuk dari [para blogger] berdasarkan kesamaan-kesamaan tertentu, seperti kesamaan asal daerah, kesamaan kampus, kesamaan hobi, dan sebagainya. Para blogger yang tergabung dalam komunitas-komunitas blogger tersebut biasanya sering mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan bersama-sama seperti kopi darat. Untuk bisa bergabung di komunitas blogger, biasanya ada semacam syarat atau aturan yang harus dipenuhi untuk bisa masuk di komunitas tersebut, misalkan berasal dari daerah tertentu. [sunting]Jenis-jenis blog Blog politik: Tentang berita, politik, aktivis, dan semua persoalan berbasis blog (Seperti kampanye). Blog pribadi: Disebut juga buku harian online yang berisikan tentang pengalaman keseharian seseorang, keluhan, puisi atau syair, gagasan jahat, dan perbincangan teman. Blog bertopik: Blog yang membahas tentang sesuatu, dan fokus pada bahasan tertentu. Blog kesehatan: Lebih spesifik tentang kesehatan. Blog kesehatan kebanyakan berisi tentang keluhan pasien, berita kesehatan terbaru, keterangan-ketarangan tentang kesehatan, dll. Blog sastra: Lebih dikenal sebagai litblog (Literary blog). Blog perjalanan: Fokus pada bahasan cerita perjalanan yang menceritakan keterangan-keterangan tentang perjalanan/traveling. Blog riset: Persoalan tentang akademis seperti berita riset terbaru. Blog hukum: Persoalan tentang hukum atau urusan hukum; disebut juga dengan blawgs (Blog Laws). Blog media: Berfokus pada bahasan kebohongan atau ketidakkonsistensi media massa; biasanya hanya untuk koran atau jaringan televisi Blog agama: Membahas tentang agama Blog pendidikan: Biasanya ditulis oleh pelajar atau guru. Blog kebersamaan: Topik lebih spesifik ditulis oleh kelompok tertentu. Blog petunjuk (directory): Berisi ratusan link halaman website. Blog bisnis: Digunakan oleh pegawai atau wirausahawan untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis mereka Blog pengejawantahan: Fokus tentang objek diluar manusia; seperti anjing Blog pengganggu (spam): Digunakan untuk promosi bisnis affiliate; juga dikenal sebagai splogs (Spam Blog) [sunting]Budaya populer Ngeblog (istilah bahasa Indonesia untuk blogging) harus dilakukan hampir setiap waktu untuk mengetahui eksistensi dari pemilik blog. Juga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana blog dirawat (mengganti template) atau menambah artikel. Sekarang ada lebih 10 juta blog yang bisa ditemukan di internet[rujukan?], dan masih bisa berkembang lagi, karena saat ini ada banyak sekali perangkat lunak, peralatan, dan aplikasi internet lain yang mempermudah para blogger (sebutan pemilik blog) untuk merawat blognya. Selain merawat dan terus melakukan pembaharuan di blognya, para blogger yang tergolong baru pun masih sering melakukan blogwalking, yaitu aktivitas para blogger meninggalkan tautan di blog atau situs orang lain seraya memberikan komentar[rujukan?]. Beberapa blogger kini bahkan telah menjadikan blognya sebagai sumber pemasukan utama melalui program periklanan (misalnya AdSense, posting berbayar, penjualan tautan, atau afiliasi). Sehingga kemudian muncullah istilah blogger profesional, atau problogger, yaitu orang yang menggantungkan hidupnya hanya dari aktivitas ngeblog[rujukan?], karena banyak saluran pendapatan dana, baik berupa dolar maupun rupiah, dari aktivitas ngeblog ini[rujukan?]. [sunting]Risiko kejahatan Karena blog sering digunakan untuk menulis aktivitas sehari-hari yang terjadi pada penulisnya, ataupun merefleksikan pandangan-pandangan penulisnya tentang berbagai macam topik yang terjadi dan untuk berbagi informasi - blog menjadi sumber informasi bagi para hacker, pencuri identitas, mata-mata, dan lain sebagainya. Banyak berkas-berkas rahasia dan penulisan isu sensitif ditemukan dalam blog-blog. Hal ini berakibat dipecatnya seseorang dari pekerjaannya, diblokir aksesnya, didenda, dan bahkan ditangkap.

Kamis, 06 September 2012


Warcraft is a franchise of video games, novels, and other media originally created by Blizzard Entertainment. The series is made up of four core games: Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and World of Warcraft. The first three of these core games are in the real-time strategy genre, where opposing players command virtual armies in battle against each other or a computer-controlled enemy. The last and best selling title of the franchise is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Expansion sets were also released for multiple games in the series, each adding more content to each game as an effort to expand the product lifespan of each. No expansions were released for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Warcraft II was accompanied by the release of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. Warcraft III was accompanied by the release of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Multiple expansion packages accompanied World of Warcraft, namely The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria.[2]
All games in the series have been set in and around the world of Azeroth, a high fantasy setting. Initially, the start of the series focused on the human nations which make up the Eastern Kingdoms, and the Orcish Horde which arrived in Azeroth via a dark portal, beginning the great wars. The Orcs arrived from another world, referred to as Draenor or Outland, a world which will be shattered into pieces by demonic magics during the events of Warcraft II. Later on in the series the world of Azeroth was expanded, revealing the new continents of Kalimdor, Northrend and Pandaria, allowing the introduction of the Night Elves, Tauren and other major races into the universe. The world of Azeroth also contains the traditional fantasy setting races of elves, dwarves, gnomes, orcs, and trolls.[3][4]
The series also resulted in the publishing of several books relevant to the Warcraft universe setting, covering a wide range of the timelines of the universe.[5] A collectable card game was also published, which offered those who bought booster packs a chance to gain access codes to limited in-game content in World of Warcraft.[6][7] An upcoming film adaptation is planned.[8] A number of comics have also been released alongside the books, further covering parts of the universe's storyline. A short-lived, online-subscription only magazine was also available, but later ceased publication after just 5 issues.[9]

[edit] Video games

Release Timeline
1994– Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
1995– Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
1996– Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
1999– Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition
2002– Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
2003– Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
2004– World of Warcraft
2007– World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
2008– World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
2010– World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
2012– World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
The first three games in the Warcraft series, including their expansion packs, were all released on both the PC and Macintosh. All of these games were of the real-time strategy genre. Each game proceeded to carry on the storyline of the previous games, and each introduced new features and content to improve gameplay. Warcraft III was the first game in the series to feature a Collector's Edition, and all subsequent games to this have also had collectors editions. Warcraft II was the first game in the series to feature play over the internet using Battle.net, although this was not included until a later release of the game. Warcraft II was also the first in the series to be re-released as a "Battle Chest", a bundle copy of the game containing both the original and expansion. Warcraft III and World of Warcraft have also both had "Battle Chests" released for them subsequent to their initial release. The "Battle.net" edition of Warcraft II was also the first to introduce the use of CD keys to the series, requiring each user online to have their own copy of the game in order to be able to connect. However, a CD key is not yet required to play via a Local Area Network, although speculation is that future games in the series will do so, as another product in Blizzard Entertainment's portfolio, StarCraft II, is doing so by removing the option for using LANs completely, requiring the use of Battle.net.[10]
In 1998, an adventure game in the series, Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans, was announced as being cancelled, having been previously delayed from a 1997 release.
In 2004, Blizzard Entertainment moved the series away from the real-time strategy genre, and released World of Warcraft, an MMORPG. Requiring a subscription fee to be paid to play, it also introduced regular additional content to the series in the form of patches. World of Warcraft quickly gained much popularity worldwide, becoming the world's largest subscription based MMORPG. They reached a peak 12 million subscribers worldwide.[11] World of Warcraft has had three expansions as of 2010. During the production of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, Blizzard co-founder Frank Pearce stated that "If there’s a team that’s passionate about doing another WarCraft RTS, then that’s definitely something we would consider. It’s nothing that we’re working on right now, we have development teams working on Cataclysm, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, Diablo III, and when those teams are all off the projects they’re working on, they’ll be intimately involved in the discussions about what’s next."


M.U.G.E.N (also known simply as MUGEN) is a freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte, written in C which originally used the Allegro library. The latest versions of the engine now uses the SDL library.



[edit] Gameplay

The engine uses 4 directional keys along with 7 buttons for gameplay (X, Y, Z, A, B, C and Start), in order to accommodate six-button fighters which use three punches, three kicks and a start button.[1] However, characters do not necessarily use all seven buttons, nor need to follow a traditional six- or four-button format.
At most, two human players can control characters, with others being controlled by the engine's AI (including Watch Mode, a demo mode where the computer controls all characters). In addition, several gameplay modes are available via the main menu.[2]
Original character Dragon Claw faces Darkstalkers character Hsien-Ko in the RAW is WAR arena. The lifebar used is based on Capcom vs. SNK 2
The main mode of play is Arcade mode, where a character fights random characters as in other fighter games or use a coding to decide order. There are also three different kinds of Team modes: Single, Simul, and Turns. A fourth mode, Tag, is listed in the EXE along with two related script controllers, but was never used. In Team mode, either side can use any of the team modes. Single is identical to not having a team, Simul gives that side a computer-controlled partner who fights simultaneously, and Turns uses a different character for each round of play, varying from a set number usually from 2 to 4 different characters in a row. If set, the characters' starting life will be adjusted according to the number of players on each side. If one side has two characters and the other has only one in one of the Team modes, the side with two characters will each have half their respective normal maximum life values. Pre-WinM.U.G.E.N versions of the engine could have this feature adjusted or disabled via the options screen or the config file, but due to the nature of the hack, the option has not yet been reactivated. Team Co-op is similar to Simul, except both human players fight on the same side at the same time.[3]
In Survival mode, there is an endless stream of opponents, fighting them either one by one or two in a Simul match. The objective is to beat as many opponents as possible, with the game ending when the player's character or team is defeated. The player can choose to play alone or in Simul or Turns mode, though Single Player mode gives the highest life and life recovered at the end of each round won. Survival mode was the last addition done to the engine. As such, it is not present in any of the DOS versions of M.U.G.E.N.

[edit] History

Elecbyte released the customizable fighting game M.U.G.E.N in 1999.[4] The engine was originally released on July 17, 2001. Beta versions of it were made to work on MS-DOS, Linux and Windows platforms, distributed through their website. The engine allows users to insert created characters, background stages, and other game objects through interpreted text files, graphics, and sound compilations to create a functioning fighting game similar to commercial games. While the engine is set up primarily for fighting game development, several other Book types have been developed using it, including shooter and platform style games. Officially, Elecbyte claims to have forgotten what the acronym M.U.G.E.N stood for, but the readme documentation states that its meaning referred to the days when the engine was meant to emulate shooting games as opposed to fighting games. The meaning of "mugen" in Japanese, "unlimited", may have influenced the naming. M.U.G.E.N later expanded into a wide variety of teams and communities such as Mugen Fighters Guild, Mugen Infantry and the currently defunct Club Syndicate.[2]

[edit] Development

First released on July 17, 1999, M.U.G.E.N was initially created for MS-DOS. Development of the DOS version ceased when Elecbyte switched to the Linux platform in November 2001.[5] For a time, Elecbyte had posted a request for donations on their site to legally obtain a Windows compiler to make a Windows version of M.U.G.E.N. However, the development group discontinued the project in 2003 and shut down their site. Later speculation pointed at leaks made public of a private Windows-based M.U.G.E.N beta that was provided to donators.[6]
The private WinM.U.G.E.N beta contained a two-character roster limit, locked game modes, and nag screens. With the beta leaked and Elecbyte gone, a "no limit" hack that removed most of these limitations was made available in 2004, followed by subsequent updates to deal with bugs and other issues. This version of M.U.G.E.N is functionally the same as the last Linux release, though with subtle differences and unique issues, mostly revolving around proper music and music plugin support. Because of the changes between the DOS and Linux versions of M.U.G.E.N however, many older characters required at least the SFF files to be modified to show palettes correctly (notably on portraits) as well as some changes in how certain CNS script controllers functioned, causing some minor upset and those that could still run the DOS version in some form sticking to that, as well as DOS patches to downgrade characters to be compatible with the older version of the engine.
In May 2007, a hacked version of WinM.U.G.E.N was released by a third party that added support for high resolution stages (like those seen in Guilty Gear X) at the cost of losing support to standard resolution M.U.G.E.N stages. Later that month, another hack was done to add support for high-res select screens. In July 2007 another hack based on the last high-res hack allowed for only the select screen to be high-res and not the stages. In December 2007, a hack from an anonymous source allowed both low-res and hi-res stages to be functional in the same build, requiring only a single line of code to be added to hi-res stages. As of June 2007, an unofficial Winmugen was also made available on a Japanese website.[7][8][9]
In mid 2007, Elecbyte's site returned, though not without some controversy as to the legitimacy of it, as it only showed a single logo with Google ads on the side.[10] On July 26 a FAQ was added to the site, which went on to claim that they would release a fixed version of WinM.U.G.E.N before major format changes in the next version, and noted the formatting changes would remove compatibility in regards to older works: "Do not expect old characters to work. At all".[11] On September 19, 2009, Elecbyte made an unexpected comeback, updating their website with various features — including a forum and a downloads section, where a new build of M.U.G.E.N is now available.
In September 2009 a full release of M.U.G.E.N (MUGEN 1.0 Release Candidate) that includes various new features — most notably (official) support for HD resolutions, victory screens and language localization — was made available through the Elecbyte website. Although this current build has various visual glitches and requires a fair amount of adjustments to the previously made content in order to be fully compatible with the new engine, Elecbyte has stated that it is their goal to have the new M.U.G.E.N fully compatible with previously designed content.
In January 18, 2011, M.U.G.E.N made a 1.0 version only for Windows, ironing out most bugs that were featured in the release candidates and is compatible with almost all, if not all, of the previously made content.

[edit] Reception

Despite its dual status as an engine to make games and a game itself and Section III of the readme file accompanied with the engine, demos of the engine have also made their way into magazines,[12] usually exhibiting a large variety of works from various creators. Games Radar named M.U.G.E.N as one of the "12 weirdest fighting games ever", as did GameSpot.[13]

Lost saga

Lost Saga is a casual free-to-play 3D fighting game. Developed by I.O. Entertainment in Korea, Lost Saga officially launched its North American service on November 17, 2009 by OGPlanet and it's Indonesian service by Gemscool

[edit] Mercenary

Characters in Korean Lost Saga are entitled "Mercenaries" or "Hero's" in KR, NA, ID and TH versions. Mercenaries are divided into five different categories: Melee, Ranged, Magic, Special, and Premium. Players can purchase mercenaries from the in-game shop using pesos, the currency earned from battles, or earn their services for 2 hours when they reach the rank at which that mercenary is unlocked, with the exception of premium mercenaries, which can only be obtained through gold (KLS's cash currency), Astros (NALS's cash currency), Gcash (IDLS's cash currency) or through mercenary scrolls, which can be purchased for 3,000 pesos in the shop. (KR, NA,ID) . Players may obtain as many mercenaries as their inventory slots allow. By default players are allowed 12 Mercenary Slots and more can be added by purchasing the slot item from the shop.
Once players place their mercenaries in the inventory they can switch between them by pressing number keys (this can be changed in the options menu). This method allows the players to freely change into different mercenaries during gameplay, but only if the mercenary that is currently in use has 4 gears equipped (this is not to be confused with style items e.g. hair).
In addition, "epic gears" are mercenary equipment with an alternative design. They enhance the game by allowing players to equip different gears to the mercenaries they've hired. However, epic weapons can only be equipped to their corresponding mercenary. Epic gears provide not only a change of costume, but a stat boost that varies with each gear. The gear's skill, however, does not change. Premium mercenaries do have epic gears, but they don't look different from the original ones (With the exception of Sol's epic weapon). There are also special gears titled "legendary gears". Unlike epic gears, these gears do not correspond to any existing mercenary. As such, most legendary gears have no alternate design and there are no legendary weapons. Legendary gears may also use multiple skills in in one gear e.g. jumpers and some come in multiple designs e.g. bunny ears (pink and black)
Notes : Some Mercenary (ex: Gatot Kaca) that are exclusive to certain areas of the world will eventually be released for the other servers, usually through patches by the developers.

Kasus Century

Kasus Bank Century Harus Jadi Prioritas KPK
Penulis : Suhartono | Senin, 21 Mei 2012 | 09:35 WIB
Dibaca: 2473
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Mantan anggota Panitia Khusus Bank Century DPR asal Fraksi Persatuan Keadilan Sejahtera, Muhammad Misbakhun, berpendapat, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi harus memprioritaskan kasus besar Bank Century dan tidak menomorduakannya.
"Bank Century adalah kasus besar yang tidak boleh ditenggelamkan dan dialihkan oleh kasus-kasus pemberantasan korupsi lainnya. Kasus tersebut harus tetap menjadi prioritas utama bagi KPK untuk segera dituntaskan," tutur Misbakhun, Senin (21/5/2012) di Jakarta.
Menurut Misbakhun, polisi dan kejaksaan tidak bisa diharapkan terlalu banyak dalam menangani penegakan hukum kasus Bank Century. Sebab, pihak-pihak yang diduga terlibat dalam kasus Bank Century adalah figur-figur penting yang masih duduk di dalam pemerintahan sekarang ini. "Di antaranya mantan Gubernur BI yang kini Wakil Presiden RI," ujar Misbakhun.
Oleh sebab itu, lanjut Misbakhun, KPK harus lebih maju dan memprioritaskan kasus Bank Century karena kasus Bank Century sudah melewati umur dua tahun di KPK dan seolah-olah ditenggelamkan oleh kasus korupsi yang baru.
"Janji ketua KPK dan pimpinan KPK yang lain dalam fit and proper test sebelumnya untuk segera menuntaskan kasus Bank Century harus segera direalisasikan dalam bentuk tindakan konkret di KPK dengan menaikkan status penyelidikannya menjadi penyidikan," papar Misbakhun.